Grassroots Colorado Santa Fe Soft Store Opening Recap
After over a year hiatus, Grassroots Colorado has finally returned to the downtown Denver area with a new retail location down in the Santa Fe Art District! Our excitement levels are high and we absolutely cannot wait to see what the future holds for the GRC family in our new Colorado retail location.
This last weekend we opened our doors for a two-day, soft, store opening on Thursday and Friday night at the new location at 846 Santa Fe! We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who came out to see the new spot and to show your support. It was amazing to see friends and family old and new stopping in to check out the new digs and you all made us feel incredibly welcome in our new home.
We were fortunate enough to have our good friend and world renown graffiti artist Chris Dyer in town for the Tipper festivities at the Fillmore Auditorium, which made for a perfect opportunity to team up with him and plan a party! In addition to the new Dyer OG Bear line we just dropped with him, we had multiple original pieces of Chris's art on display, and we now have a permanent custom mural on the back of our shop as well! Big thanks to Chris for coming out to help make this soft opening extra special.
Over the course of the next two weeks, the store will be temporarily closed so that our team can finish out the final construction of the store in preparation for our GRAND OPENING on October 24th. Be on the lookout for more details about the Grand Opening coming very soon as we have big announcements we are stoked to share with you all. Thank you all once again for coming out and we will see everyone in a few weeks!
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